Kristin Loannou is the Executive Director of Pennsylvania Women Work, a workforce development organization.
Rob Black is self-employed and has been running his own small business in Raleigh, North Carolina, for almost 20 years.
Fortunately, Rob is able to receive health care benefits from his wife’s employer-provided coverage. Her health plan provides Rob and their children access to high-quality coverage that is there when they need it.
In the spring of 2020, Rob began experiencing adult-onset migraines for the first time. The pain was unbearable and he was forced to miss work and family obligations. Thankfully, through his health care coverage, Rob was able to work with his physician to determine the best treatment. Rob shared, “There’s no good time to start experiencing migraines, but having to identify a treatment plan during the COVID-19 crisis made it even harder to figure out what to do, because of in-person restrictions at doctors’ offices.” Rob used telehealth services offered by his health insurance provider to meet with his doctor. To treat the migraines, Rob went through several rounds of testing, including MRIs and a series of three-hour injections of drugs to break the headache cycle.
Despite this worrying experience, Rob was thankful for his wife’s employer-provided coverage. Rob said, “The pain I went through with the migraines was terrible. I didn’t need any additional potential stressors with the costs of treatment or with my health coverage. My insurance provider was there when I needed them. They helped me navigate treatment plans and testing.” He also noted that without his wife’s employer-provided coverage, “I would not have been able to go to the doctor as quickly and get the help I desperately needed to treat my migraines.”
Kristin Loannou is the Executive Director of Pennsylvania Women Work, a workforce development organization.
Jason Kauer works in package shipping and delivery in Morrisville, North Carolina, and receives comprehensive health insurance through his employer.